Thursday, July 8, 2010

wormface, moving, drawgasmic + fine art prints.

pens, ink, chalk + tea on watercolor paper

I found an apartment. The current tenant's in the process of moving out, so I have to wait to move in. Hopefully I'll get the call that it's all mine by this weekend, 'cause I'm antsy and want to get this over with. Life right now has been packing, cleaning, yard sales, packing, going through things in storage, freaking out, packing, a thousand cups of strong black tea, True Blood and Lost marathons while drawing until my fingers fall off and brief, blissful moments of unconsciousness punctuated by crazy dreams involving pie and the Civil War. And did I mention packing? It is amazing how you never realize just how much stuff you own until you have to put it in boxes, and I even left a lot of my things packed up from the last time I moved. The bulk of it is books. I have so so many books, and yet, not enough...

In other news, the Drawgasmic show is coming up in a couple of days. If you're in the St. Louis area, do check it out. I won't be going, of course, but I wish I could. If you can't make it either and by any chance want to purchase my drawing, you'll be able to do so online.

Also, I now have some canvas fine art prints available from the Lowbrow Art Company. Go check them out here. And while you're there, check out all the other artists. Lots of good stuff there.

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